Employment Law Training

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Employment Law Training:

Everyday, managers need to make important decisions that are regulated by state and federal employment laws. This series provides essential information such as determining overtime exemptions, minimizing the legal risk of terminations, making sense of FLMA, and the interrelation of leave & disability laws. The complete employment law series is 18 hours of content.

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A Drug-free Workplace
  • How common is drug use?
  • How can I work to eliminate drug use in my workplace?
  • What are some signs that my workers may have a problem with drugs?
  • How do I stage an intervention with an employee?
A Safe Workplace: OSHA and Right-to-Know Laws
  • Be able to explain OSHA laws and give a few examples of regulated areas
  • Understand right-to-know laws
  • Understand how OSHA regulations are enforced
Accessing Your Medical and Exposure Records
  • What counts as medical records?
  • What does access mean?
  • How long do employers need to retain these records?
  • What if a company go out of business?
  • Who else is allowed to access an employee’s medical and exposure records?
Accidents: An Overview
  • What is the objective of an accident or incident analysis?
  • Who should be involved?
  • What questions should the analysis answer?
AED-Saving Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims
  • What is an AED?
  • What is cardiac arrest?
  • What causes cardiac arrest?
  • Why would we need to install an AED in the workplace?
  • Where should they be installed?
  • How do I train employees in the use of AEDs?
  • How much do they cost?
Aggressive, Distracted, Drowsy, Impaired Driving
  • What is unsafe driving behavior?
  • When are you fit to drive? When are you not?
  • What can you do to make yourself a safer driver?
  • How can you tell if another motorist is intoxicated?
  • When should you report an unsafe driver?
An Overview of Business Ethics
  • Define business ethics and explain what it means to act ethically in business
  • Explain how you can recognize an ethical organization
Basic Elements of a First Aid Training Program
  • Know the areas that should be covered by a first aid training program
  • Know where to get training courses or materials
Basic First Aid
  • Know general rules about performing first aid
  • Know when to use CPR
  • Know how to stop bleeding
  • Know how to clean and bandage a wound
  • Know types of burns and procedures for treating each type
  • Know how to preempt shock
  • Know what to do for a person who is having or has just had a seizure
  • Know how to train employees in the use of AEDs
Basics of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Know what laws pertain to disabled workers
  • Know how to ensure your compliance with these laws
  • Know how to apply a 4-step process for hiring and managing disabled workers
Cold Stress for Employers
  • Know how to identify hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains
  • Know how to treat exposure-related problems
  • Know how to protect workers from being exposed to cold stress dangers
Corporate Social Responsibility: Part 1
  • Learn actions that managers can take to create and sustain ethical organizations
  • Know how and why managers have a fiduciary responsibility to a company
  • Understand how organizations protect employee safety and health
Corporate Social Responsibility: Part 2
  • Be familiar with the discussions surrounding and regulations concerning sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, and fair pay
Corporate Social Responsibility: Part 3
  • Learn how conscientious corporations engage with their customers and their communities
Creating a Drivers' Safety Program: 10 Steps
  • Become familiar with NHTSA's 10-step process for creating a drivers’ safety program
  • Help to keep your insurance costs down
  • Keep costs associated with traffic accidents down
Criminal versus Civil Law for Business
  • Distinguish between criminal law and civil law
  • Understand the roles of plaintiffs and defendants in both criminal and civil cases
  • Define a tort, explain tort law, and discuss an intentional tort
Current Labor Challenges and Labor Laws
  • Explain some of the reasons for a decline in union membership over the past sixty years
  • Be able to explain the process of unionization and laws that relate to unionization
Determining Hours Worked
  • Understand what counts as paid work time
  • Learn about common mistakes employers make in counting paid time and how to avoid them
Determining Overtime Exemptions
  • Understand when an employee qualifies for overtime
  • Learn about the FLSA law and how it applies to employee overtime
  • Know which categories count towards exemption from overtime
  • Learn three common errors employers often make when considering employee overtime
Disabilities - Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning
  • Are there federal laws or regulations that address employees with disabilities and emergency planning?
  • Can I ask employees if they will require assistance in an emergency?
  • Can I use elevators to evacuate employees in an emergency?
  • What do I need to keep in mind while putting together my emergency plan?
Disabilities - Effective Interaction
  • What should I keep in mind during a conversation or interview?
  • Are there topics or phrases that I should avoid?
  • How do I get someone’s attention if they can’t see me or can’t hear me?
Disabilities - Opening Doors to All Candidates
  • How do I interview someone who might not understand me?
  • What accommodations do I need to make during the interview?
  • How do I prepare for an interview with someone who has a disability?
  • Am I allowed to ask about their disability during the interview?
  • Can I have applicants take a medical exam?
Discrimination and Harassment Basics
  • Review the basics of the law and who it applies to
  • Understand what a protected class is and who falls under it
Elements of a Drivers' Safety Program
  • Understand the necessary elements for a comprehensive and successful drivers’ safety program
Emergency Exit Routes
  • How many exit routes need to be in your workplace?
  • What are the design and construction requirements for emergency exits?
  • How do I need to maintain my emergency exits?
  • Do I need an Emergency Action Plan?
  • Do I need a Fire Prevention Plan?
Employment Laws - Medical and Disability
  • What is the ADA?
  • What is the FMLA?
  • What is Worker’s Compensation?
  • Can a situation fall under multiple laws?
  • What is a “serious health condition”?
  • How do I figure out which law applies to a given case?
  • If more than one law applies, which benefits does the employee receive?
Environmentalism and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Identify threats to the natural environment and explain how businesses are addressing them
Evacuating Highrise Buildings
  • What can employers do to prepare for an emergency?
  • What can employees do to prepare for an emergency?
  • Where do I go after evacuating?
  • What do I do if I get trapped inside during an emergency?
Fire Safety in the Workplace
  • What do employers need to do to protect workers from fire hazards?
  • What are the OSHA requirements for fire exits, extinguishers and emergency plans?
  • Do you need a fire prevention plan?
  • What are the OSHA standards for fixed extinguishing systems?
First Aid for Seizures
  • Know the stages of a tonic-clonic seizure
  • Know the features of a seizure
  • Know what to look for to determine whether to call 911
  • Know what to do for a person who is having or has just had a seizure
  • Know how to stop bleeding, clean, and bandage minor wounds
First Aid for Surface Injuries
  • Know the different types of burns
  • Know procedures for treating each type of burn
  • Know how to preempt shock
  • Know how to clean and bandage a wound
  • Be familiar with special considerations for different types of wounds, such as punctures and animal bites
Harassment Basics: Employment Law in the Workplace
  • Review the basics of harassment and employment law
  • Learn how to deal with harassment in your workplace
Harassment Prevention: Managers' Responsibilities
  • What your legal obligations are
  • How to prevent harassment and discrimination in the workplace
  • How to prevent and deal with retaliation
  • How to promptly deal with complaints
Health Hazards at Work: Cumulative Trauma and Exposures
  • Be able to explain cumulative trauma and exposures as health concerns that can affect employees at work
Health Hazards at Work: Promoting a Culture of Safety and Health
  • Be able to discuss employee privacy as a health and safety concern at work
  • Increase your knowledge of ways to promote a culture of safety and health in the workplace
Health Hazards at Work: Stress
  • Be able to explain stress as a health concern that can affect employees at work
Health Hazards at Work: Violence and Bullying
  • Be able to explain bullying and violence as health and safety concerns that can affect employees at work
Identifying Ethical Issues: Part 1
  • Identify ethical issues that you might face in business
  • Analyze rationalizations for unethical behavior
Identifying Ethical Issues: Part 2
  • Understand what is meant by honesty and integrity in the workplace
  • Learn what it means to be a whistleblower in an unethical organization
  • Learn some common rationalizations for unethical behavior
Industrial Hygiene: Preventing Hazards in the Workplace
  • What is Industrial Hygiene?
  • What is a Worksite Analysis?
  • How do IH's Recognize and Control Hazards?
  • What Are Some Examples of Job Hazards?
  • What Help Can OSHA Provide?
Injuries from Mass Casualty Events
  • Know the types of injuries that are common in mass casualty events
  • Know what to do if you are injured in a mass casualty event
  • Know how to stay healthy during such an event
  • Know where to look in case of a health problem during a mass casualty event
  • Know what a traumatic brain injury is and its symptoms
  • Know who to consult about a traumatic brain injury
Introducing the Foundations of Business
  • You will learn the major factors that influence a business' success
  • You will view these factors through the example of Apple's success
Job Hazard Analysis
  • Understand the objectives of a job hazard analysis
  • Know how to run a job hazard analysis
  • Know the difference between engineering and administrative controls, and how each can be used in hazard prevention
Job Hazard Analysis: OSHA Assistance
  • What are state plans?
  • What is consultation assistance and how can it help me?
  • What are VPPs?
  • What are OSPPs?
  • What safety and health training does OSHA offer?
Keeping Your Workplace Safe
  • How can employers keep their employees safer, comply with the law, and reduce liability exposure?
Laws Relating to Pay
  • Understand the basic laws related to work pay
Making Sense of FMLA and Other Leave Laws
  • Know what is provided to employees by the FMLA and similar leave laws
  • Know the types of FMLA leave that can be used
  • Know what types of medical issues are covered by the FMLA
Maximizing Productivity - Accommodations for Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities
  • How common are psychiatric disabilities?
  • Will all workers with disabilities need accommodations?
  • What can I do to help a worker with a psychiatric disability?
Minimizing the Legal Risk of Terminations
  • Understand the key concepts you should consider when contemplating an employee's termination of employment
  • Learn how to mitigate your legal risks during a termination
Misgoverning Corporations: An Overview
  • What are some examples of bad business ethics?
  • Why do some heads of corporations commit crimes?
Multiculturalism and the Law
  • Define the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  • Explain the various types of laws covered by the EEOC
Navigating Religious Non-Discrimination Laws
  • Know what behaviors constitute religious harassment and discrimination
  • Know what accommodations are expected of employers to allow an employee to observe religious practices
  • Know a manager's responsibilities with regards to religious harassment, discrimination, and accommodation
Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policies
  • Learn about the typical nondiscrimination and nonharassment components of employer policies
  • Know how to report concerns and what a typical investigation looks like
OSH Act: Worker Rights
  • Who is covered by OSHA?
  • What are an employer’s responsibilities to their employees?
  • What OSHA standards relate to worker’s rights?
  • What records do employees have the right to access?
OSHA Assistance Programs
  • What are the OSHA Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines?
  • What states have their own workplace safety and health plans?
  • What programs does OSHA offer to employers and employees who follow OSHA guidelines?
  • What kind of training and grant opportunities does OSHA offer?
OSHA Inspections: An Overview
  • Have a general understanding of OSHA’s inspection process
  • Understand the deadlines and penalties of violations and citations
 OSHA: An Overview
  • What is OSHA?
  • What does OSHA do for employees?
  • What does OSHA require of employers?
  • Are there other organizations that work with OSHA to enforce workplace safety?
  • What happens when a workplace is inspected by OSHA?
Planning and Responding to Workplace Emergencies
  • Know an employer’s role in keeping the workplace safe in the event of an emergency
  • Understand how to create an emergency procedure
  • Know how to designate a chain of command and emergency responders
  • Learn how to implement a training regimen for the emergency plan
  • Learn how to provide protective equipment and medical assistance
Preventing Religious Discrimination
  • How do I accommodate an employee who has religious obligations that conflict with work?
  • What if another employee complains about a coworker’s religious practices?
  • What can I do if a customer complains about my employee’s religious garb?
  • Is it acceptable to transfer an employee to another job if I can’t accommodate them in their current one?
Product Liability: Strict Liability and Negligence
  • Define product liability and discuss the three grounds, or “theories of recovery,” for a claim of product liability
  • Discuss the three forms of manufacturer’s negligence that may be claimed in a product-liability case
  • Define strict liability and explain the doctrine of strict liability in tort
Product Liability: Warranties, Agency and Damages
  • Define a warranty and distinguish between express warranties and implied warranties
  • Identify the primary goal of tort law and distinguish between compensatory damages and punitive damages
Public Law: Government and the Economic Environment
  • Explain externalities and show why taxation is used as a means of addressing them
  • Discuss the idea of market failure and the principle of efficiency as a foundation of law
Public Law: Introducing the Principles
  • Explain the difference between private law and public law
  • Define statutory law and give examples of statutory laws at various governmental levels
  • Explain externalities and show why taxation is used as a means of addressing them
Public Law: Understanding Statutory and Administrative Law
  • Define administrative law and discuss the role of federal administrative agencies in making and enforcing administrative laws
  • Define case law and explain the concepts of precedent and judicial review
Questions and Answers about Religious Discrimination in the Workplace
  • What is Title VII?
  • How does Title VII define “religion”?
  • Are there exceptions to the Title VII rule?
  • Who is covered by Title VII?
Questions and Answers about Religious Discrimination in the Workplace 2
  • What qualifies as religious harassment?
  • When are employers liable for harassment?
  • When are employers required to provide accommodations?
  • How do religious accommodations work with union rules?
  • What if somebody complains about a coworker’s religious accommodation?
Questions and Answers about Religious Discrimination in the Workplace 3
  • What kind of accommodations might I offer to my religious employees?
  • Should I allow employees to skip company activities that they have a religious objection to?
  • How does title VII interact with the first amendment?
  • What should I do if I or one of my employees is the victim of religious discrimination?
Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA
  • Know what a reasonable accommodation is
  • Know how to determine what is and is not a reasonable accommodation
  • Know what an "undue hardship" is
  • Know how to document the process of deciding on and implementing an accommodation for a disabled employee
Recordkeeping Highlights
  • Who is required to keep these records?
  • When do I record an incident?
  • What is “work related”?
  • What forms do I use?
  • How should employees be involved in this process?
Record-keeping: OSHA Forms Tutorial
  • How do I complete forms 300, 301, and 300A?
  • When do I have to fill out these forms?
  • What counts as a work-related injury?
  • How long do I have to keep the forms?
Recordkeeping: Recording Criteria
  • What are OSHA’s basic recording criteria?
  • How do I count days away from work?
  • What is restricted work?
  • What qualifies as medical treatment?
Recordkeeping: Work Relatedness
  • Does a work-related injury or illness have to happen at the worksite?
  • What if I go on a business trip?
  • Does it have to be a new condition?
  • Are there exceptions?
Recruitment: Recruitment Law, Part I: IRCA and Patriot Act
  • Explain the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) and Patriot Act, and how they relate to recruiting
Recruitment: Recruitment Law, Part II: EEO Set of Laws
  • Explain the equal employment op­portunity (EEO) laws and how they relate to recruiting
Reporting and Preventing Harassment
  • How to prevent harassment and discrimination
  • What to do when harassment and discrimination has occurred
  • Suggestions for making sure a harassment claim is taken seriously
Retail Violence Prevention: Hazard Prevention and Control
  • Know engineering and work practice controls that may help keep workers safe
Retail Violence Prevention: Introduction
  • Know the relative risks experienced by retail trade employees
  • Know the important elements of a workplace violence prevention program
Retail Violence Prevention: Program Roles and Security Analysis
  • Know how to conduct a workplace security assessment
Retail Violence Prevention: Training and Program Evaluation
  • Know who to train about violence prevention measures
  • Know how to keep records to effectively evaluate workplace violence
Reviewing Law and the Legal System
  • Define law and explain how it differs from a legal system
  • Explain the concept of the rule of law and discuss the role of flexibility and fairness in a legal system
  • Discuss the primary functions of law in the United States
Rights and Responsibilities After an OSHA Inspection
  • Know how to comply with an OSHA citation
  • Know how to contest an OSHA citation and the related requirements
  • Know how to change the abatement date if necessary
Rights and Responsibilities of Employers
  • Know what violations can result from an inspection
  • Know your responsibilities regarding violations
Rights During an OSHA Inspection
  • How can I file a complaint with OSHA?
  • Who can file a complaint?
  • What are my rights during and after an inspection?
  • Does OSHA offer training?
Safety and Health Add Value
  • Why should an employer use OSHA standards?
  • What are some OSHA programs available to businesses?
  • How much money could a business save by implementing OSHA standards?
  • What are the benefits to employees who are protected by OSHA?
  • Where can you find additional information about OSHA programs?
Safety and Health Management Programs: An Overview
  • Why have a workplace health and safety program?
  • Who is involved in putting together the program?
  • What is involved in a worksite analysis?
  • What should be included in my employee’s health and safety training?
Sexual Harassment - What Is It?
  • What is sexual harassment?
  • What is an example of discrimination?
  • What is prejudice? 
  • How do I know if there is discrimination or sexual harassment in my workplace?
  • What do I do if I’ve been discriminated against? 
  • What if it’s my co-worker or friend?
  • What can I do to handle harassment in the workplace as a supervisor or manager?
Sexual Harassment: Take Action
  • What can you do if you are an employee and the victim of sexual harassment or discrimination?
  • What are formal resolutions? Informal resolutions?
  • What can you do if you’re an employer to respond to claims of sexual harassment or discrimination?
  • What is reprisal?
  • What are some common conversational barriers to good human relations?
Stages of Corporate Responsibility
  • List the stages of corporate responsibility
The American Disability Act: An Overview
  • How does a person’s disability weigh into hiring decisions?
  • What are “reasonable accommodations”?
  • What do accommodations cost?
  • Do people abuse their protection under the ADA?
The Benefits of an Environmental Management System
  • What is an EMS?
  • How can an EMS reduce your organization’s expenses?
  • How might an EMS affect company image?
  • How will an EMS help employee health?
  • How will an EMS affect company legal obligations?
The Benefits of Workplace Drivers' Safety Programs
  • Understand the costs to employers of car crashes in general
  • Learn the costs relative to your own company
  • Become familiar with the success of other companies that have instituted safe driving programs
The Individual Approach to Ethics
  • Know the differences between an ethical dilemma and an ethical decision
  • Specify the steps that you would take to solve an ethical dilemma and make an ethical decision
The Legal Environment in Human Resources
  • Understand the importance of legal rights in the workplace
  • Broadly understand and describe seven important legal acts
The Organizational Approach to Ethics
  • Specify actions that managers can take to create and sustain ethical organizations
Understanding Negligence Torts in Business
  • Define a negligence tort and discuss the elements of a negligence claim
  • Explain a contract and discuss the requirements of an enforceable contract
  • Explain the concepts of respondeat superior and scope of employment and discuss their roles in an employment contract
Understanding the Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Who is eligible for FMLA leave?
  • What employers are covered by FMLA?
  • How long can medical or family leave last?
  • Do employees need to provide certification for their medical conditions?
  • Who enforces the FMLA?
Understanding the Interrelation of Leave & Disability Laws
  • Know the features and requirements for Worker's Comp, family medical leave laws, and disability laws
  • Know how to manage the different types of leave that might be used by ill and injured workers
Voluntary Protection Program: Preparing for OSHA's Visit
  • Know the OSHA visit process and the necessary documentation
  • Know the evaluation procedures and possible outcome
Worker’s Compensation Overview
  • Know how Worker's Compensation laws apply
  • Know an employer's responsibilities in the case of a claim
  • Know an employee's rights to Worker's Compensation benefits
Workplace First Aid Programs
  • Know who needs to implement a first aid program
  • Know the requirements of a workplace first aid program
  • Know the steps for developing a first aid program
Workplace Law
  • Gain an overview on the most common workplace laws
Your Health Plan and HIPAA
  • Can a health plan exclude coverage for a preexisting condition?
  • What counts as a preexisting condition?
  • Can a plan deny benefits for chronic illnesses?
  • Are there any conditions that cannot be subjected to an exclusion period?
Your Health Plan and HIPAA 2
  • How do I reduce the preexisting condition exclusion period on my new health plan?
  • What is a “significant break”?
  • How do I avoid a significant break in coverage?
Your Health Plan and HIPAA 3
  • What is a certificate of creditable coverage?
  • When should I receive a certificate of creditable coverage?
  • What if I lost my certificate?
  • What do I do if i never received a certificate?
  • What should I do with the certificate once I have it?
Your Health Plan and HIPAA 4
  • What is special enrollment?
  • How do I qualify for special enrollment?
  • When do I apply for special enrollment?
Your Health Plan and HIPAA 5
  • What is discrimination in health care?
  • Can employers offer different health care rates or coverage to different employees?
  • How does HIPAA interact with workplace wellness programs?
  • Can state plans have different requirements than federal regulations?
Your Health Plan and HIPAA 6
  • How does HIPAA interact with state laws?
  • How can COBRA extend my health care coverage?
  • How do I best take advantage of HIPAA and COBRA benefits?
  • How do I change from a group health plan to an individual insurance policy?
Your Rights as a Whistleblower
  • What are your rights if you report a violation?
  • What counts as unfavorable personnel action?
  • How do you file a complaint?
  • Can you refuse to work and still be protected?